The Ultimate Breathwork Transformational Bundle 

This bundle includes:

8 Very different Breathwork Recordings:

Quick Relax & Reset (5 minutes)  

Quick Activation to Restore Energy & Balance (7 minutes) 

Calm the Mind for Restful Sleep ( 10 Mins) 

Mind Body Reset for Mom’s (11 minutes) 

Getting Great Activation (12 minutes) 

Stepping Out of Self-Doubt & Into Great Possibility Hybrid Journey based mostly in Down-Regulation (53 minutes) 

Letting Go Full-Length Journey (1 hour 12 minutes) 

Breathing Through Grief & Loss Full-Length Journey (1 hour 16 minutes)

What is 9D Breathwork

9D Breathwork transcends traditional wellness practices, offering a revolutionary personal transformation and stress reduction approach. This cutting-edge modality harnesses the power of breath to provide deeply transformative experiences that resonate profoundly, fostering an environment of rapid growth and healing.

The Benefits of Breathwork

Unlike traditional methods, 9D Breathwork incorporates multi-dimensional soundscapes and hypnosis techniques, creating an immersive journey that transcends the usual boundaries of breathwork. This unique blend allows for a deeper exploration into the subconscious mind, facilitating profound emotional and psychological shifts.

Are you familiar of the benefits of BREATHWORK? These are just some of the things it’s been known to help with…

Anger issues


 Chronic pain


Emotional effects of illness  


Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Balanced blood pressure 

More time in deep sleep 

Reduction of feelings of trauma 

Stronger respiratory function 

Better immune system 

Release of stress hormones from your body 

Better mental focus

Decrease in addictive behaviors 

Allowing emotional scars to heal 

Better outlook on life 

Contentment and joy 

Getting High On Your Own Supply (DMT & Dopamine) 

Euphoric States 

& So Much More

BREATHWORK IS one of the few modalities in existence that can access the subconscious domain without the use of plant medicine. In this, it restores the power to the individual where they can regain control of their unconscious narratives and begin to become the limitless architects of their experience once more. Remember, one’s unconscious beliefs carry far more power than their conscious mind. And BREATHWORK is the gateway to shift this at the level of the quantum – Where thoughts shape our reality.

Quick Relaxation & Reset for an Over-Active Mind

Relax & Reset: 5-Minute Somatic Down Regulation Breathing Session

Transform Your Mind in Just 5 Minutes!

Are you feeling:

  • Overwhelmed 
  • Stressed
  • Struggling with an overactive mind?

This quick somatic down-regulation breathing session, enhanced with soothing sound frequencies, is designed to help you relax and reset in just five minutes.

Why Choose this Session:

Calm Your Mind: Quickly quiet your thoughts and regain focus. 

Reduce Stress: Alleviate tension and promote a sense of peace. 

 Enhance Emotional Regulation: Learn to manage emotions more effectively. 

Increase Clarity: Boost mental clarity and creativity. 

 Promote Relaxation: Experience deep relaxation and tranquility

Who will Benefit?

  • Busy Professionals: Take a moment to recharge during a hectic workday. 
  • Students: Clear your mind before studying or exams. 
  • Parents: Find a brief escape from daily responsibilities. 
  • Anyone Seeking Calm: Ideal for those feeling anxious or overwhelmed.


“This bundle is truly life-changing!”

"After struggling with stress and burnout for years, I found Tabatha's 9D breathwork. The experience was transformative—I felt more alive and connected to my body than ever before. It helped me rediscover my passion for life and gave me the tools to manage stress more effectively."

Quick Activation to Restore Energy & Balance

Restore Energy Balance & Focus in Just 7 Minutes!

Unlock Your Potential with Conscious Connected Breathing and 9D Binaural Beats

Benefits of this Session:

  • Experience a transformative seven-minute breathwork activation designed to restore your energy balance and enhance focus. 
  • Using conscious connected breathing techniques, combined with immersive 9D elements, binaural beats, and subliminal messaging, this session will guide you to a place of calm and clarity.

Why choose this Session:

Calm Your Mind: Quickly quiet your thoughts and regain focus. 

Reduce Stress: Alleviate tension and promote a sense of peace. 

 Enhance Emotional Regulation: Learn to manage emotions more effectively. 

Increase Clarity: Boost mental clarity and creativity. 

 Promote Relaxation: Experience deep relaxation and tranquility

Who will Benefit?

  • Busy Professionals: Recharge during a short break to boost productivity. 
  • Students: Enhance concentration and retain information more effectively. 
  • Health Enthusiasts: Improve mental well-being and emotional resilience. 
  • Anyone Seeking Balance. 
  • Perfect for those wanting to reduce stress and increase mindfulness. 

Ready to restore your energy balance and focus? 

Start your journey with our 7-minute breathwork activation now!


”I never realized how much a few minutes of conscious breathing could change my day. I feel more centered and focused!” 

 "The combination of breathing and binaural beats is incredible! I feel energized and ready to tackle any challenge.” 

"This activation is a game-changer! I use it before studying, and it makes a huge difference in my concentration.”

Calm the Mind for Restful Sleep

Unlock Restful Sleep with this 10-Minute Down-Regulation Breathing Meditation.

Are you struggling to find peace at the end of the day? 

Benefits of this Session:

  • This 10 min down-regulation breathing meditation is here to help you calm your mind and embrace restful sleep.

  • This practice is beneficial for both kids and adults, making it a perfect addition to your family’s nighttime routine.

Why Choose this Session:

In just 10 minutes, you can transform your nighttime routine. 

Regular practice of this meditation can help improve sleep quality, reduce insomnia,  and Enhance overall well-being for everyone in the family.

Here’s why this Meditation is so effective:

Breathing Techniques: The guided meditation incorporates specific breathing techniques designed to activate the body’s relaxation response. By focusing on your breath, you can reduce stress and anxiety, paving the way for a tranquil mind.

432 Hz Frequency: The soothing 432 Hz frequency resonates with the natural vibrations of the universe, promoting harmony and relaxation. This frequency helps synchronize your body and mind, making it easier to drift into a restful state. 

Subliminal Messaging: This meditation includes subtle subliminal messages that work beneath the surface of consciousness. These positive affirmations reinforce feelings of calmness and security, encouraging a peaceful mindset conducive to sleep. Affirmations: Layered affirmations are woven throughout the meditation, helping to reprogram your thoughts. These affirmations focus on relaxation, self-acceptance, and the release of stress, fostering a nurturing environment for restful sleep. 

Visualization Techniques: Guided visualization transports you to a serene place where you can let go of daily worries. Imagining peaceful scenes helps quiet the mind, making it easier to surrender to sleep. 

Hypnotic Techniques: Utilizing gentle hypnotic techniques, this meditation leads you into a deep state of relaxation, allowing you to access a profound sense of calm. This state is ideal for letting go of the day’s tensions and inviting restorative sleep. 

Suitable for All Ages 6 and up: This meditation is designed for both children and adults, making it a wonderful tool for families. Teaching kids these calming techniques can help them develop healthy sleep habits and emotional regulation from a young age. .


"Adding this journey to my nighttime routine has not only helped to clear my mind, and allow me to fall asleep faster; It has increased the quality of my sleep and set me up for success for the next day" 


Mind Body Reset for Mom’s

Reclaim Your Calm: A Breathwork Journey for Empowered Motherhood.

Transform your emotional responses and embrace your true potential as a mom in Just 7 Minutes!

Benefits of this Session:

  • In the whirlwind of motherhood, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and reactive. 
  • This hybrid Breathwork journey is designed specifically for moms like you, guiding you through a process that helps you down-regulate stress and activate your inner strength.

Why Choose this Session:

Down-Regulation: We start with calming techniques that ground you, allowing you to approach parenting with a sense of peace and empowerment. 

 Activation: Open your subconscious mind to reprogram limiting beliefs. Embrace the truth that you are more than enough and that your children are incredibly fortunate to have you. 

Feel Empowered: Respond to parenting challenges with confidence instead of reactivity. 

Shift Your Mindset: Replace negative self-talk with affirmations that uplift and inspire. 

Build Connection: Foster a deeper bond with your children through a state of calm and clarity.


”This Breathwork journey was a game-changer for me! I learned to pause before reacting and found a calmness I didn’t know I had. My kids notice the difference, and so do I!"


"I never realized how much my mindset impacted my parenting. This reset journey helped me feel empowered and in control. I’m now more of the mom I always wanted to be!"

Getting Great Activation

The Getting Great Activation experience is designed for busy individuals seeking an energizing boost and inspiration to elevate their performance and make a meaningful impact in the world. It's a catalyst for transitioning from a good state to a great one, igniting motivation and empowering you to create positive change.    

Duration 12:08

Benefits of this Session:

  • This unique breathwork journey leverages the profound potential of intentional breathing to awaken a deep sense of inspiration and motivation within you.

  • This immersive experience taps into the innate power of your breath. With each intentional breath, you will feel a surge of energy and determination, ready to make a significant impact in your life and the world around you. Prepare to be uplifted, as this dynamic collaboration of powerful words and Tabatha's expertise in breathwork, creates a transformative fusion that inspires action and propels you towards your goals. Embrace this opportunity to unleash your greatness and step into a future filled with purpose and achievement.

Why Choose this Session:

Ignite a deep sense of inspiration and motivation to take action towards your goals and dreams. 

Experience a surge of energy and vitality, propelling you forward with renewed enthusiasm. 

Awaken your true potential and tap into the greatness that lies within you. 

Feel empowered to make a significant impact in your life and the world around you. 

Cultivate a mindset of excellence and a drive to continuously strive for greatness


"9D breathwork with Tabatha has been nothing short of miraculous for my personal growth. Each session feels like a journey within myself, allowing me to explore deep-seated fears and release them. I've gained confidence and a deeper understanding of who I am. I can't recommend it enough!" 


Stepping Out of Self-Doubt and Into Great Possibility

Hybrid Journey based mostly in Down-Regulation

Duration:  53 minutes

Are you ready to embrace your potential? If so, this is for you!

Why Choose this Session:

This a unique hybrid experience designed to guide you from the limitations of self-doubt and imposter syndrome into a state of empowerment and possibility. 

This journey focuses primarily on down-regulation techniques, complemented by a brief activation phase to prepare your mind and body for deep transformation.

Session Structure:

  • In this healing session, you will be gently guided through a series of down-regulation breathing exercises, allowing you to release tension and cultivate profound relaxation. 

  • Following this calming phase, a short period of activation will invigorate your mind and body, setting the stage for transformation. 

This relaxing journey incorporates a variety of powerful techniques that work together to reprogram your subconscious mind:

  • Subliminal Messaging: These subtle affirmations help replace limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts. 
  • Binaural Beats: Experience the benefits of sound frequencies that activate alpha and theta brainwave states, enhancing relaxation and creativity. 
  • Visualizations: Engage in guided imagery to release old patterns and cultivate new, empowering beliefs. 
  • As you embark on this journey, you will explore and transform the garden of your subconscious mind, planting seeds for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Benefits of this session:

Profound Relaxation: Experience deep relaxation that calms the nervous system and promotes overall well-being. 

Heightened Awareness: Gain clarity and insight as you connect with your inner self.

Empowerment: Leave behind self-doubt and embrace the knowledge that you are capable and motivated to create new possibilities in your life. 

This transformative experience allows you to step confidently into a future where self-doubt no longer holds you back.


"I was skeptical about breathwork at first, but Tabatha's gentle guidance made all the difference. The 9D techniques opened up layers of emotional baggage I didn’t even know I was carrying. I felt lighter and more present after each session. It’s been a huge help for my mental health."

Letting Go Journey

This offering is specifically designed to support individuals who are grappling with the challenge of letting go, whether it be difficult events from the past, feelings of resentment, or judgments towards themselves or others. It provides a nurturing space for those seeking to activate deeper meaning and purpose in their lives, offering an opportunity to rediscover and reconnect with their authentic selves    Duration 1 hour 12 mins

Benefits of this Session:

  • This transformative journey is a stepping stone to ongoing growth and healing, empowering the evolution of your true self. 
  • Embrace profound liberation, enriching your life with purpose and possibility

Why Choose this Session:

This is a transformative 9D Breathwork journey, designed to support you in the art of letting go. This immersive experience liberates you from the grip of the past, shedding physical and psychological burdens that cause discomfort.

Common Outcomes:





 Release the weight of past traumas 

 Emotional stability 


 Restored balance.


"Tabatha's 9D breathwork has been a revelation for me. I've struggled with chronic pain for years, and through the breathwork, I've found not only relief but a deeper understanding of my body and its needs. Each session feels like a reset, and I walk away feeling rejuvenated and empowered."

Breathing Beyond Grief and Loss

Welcome to Your Healing Journey

Duration 1 hour 16mins

Why Choose this Session:

Breathing Beyond Grief and Loss is a compassionate breathwork journey designed to gently guide you through the full spectrum of grief. 

 In this transformative session, you will find a safe space to explore and process your emotions, ultimately returning to a state of love and acceptance. 

What to Expect: The full session lasts for 1 hour and 17 minutes, beginning with a series of down-regulation techniques that will help you achieve a sense of calm, groundedness, relaxation, and safety. This foundational phase is essential as it prepares you to navigate the deeper emotions associated with grief and loss.

Session Structure:

  • 17 Minutes of Down-Regulation Breathwork. We start with gentle breathing exercises to create a state of relaxation and safety, allowing you to settle into the experience. 

  • Active Breathing Session- Following the initial grounding, you will engage in a powerful active breathing session that guides you through the emotions of grief—from numbness to anger, blame, shame, guilt, remorse, and regret. 

  • Journey to Acceptance: This compassionate process will lead you to a place of acceptance and the ability to let go. 

A variety of powerful techniques are integrated in this session to enhance your healing experience

  • Subliminal Messaging: Subtle affirmations that help to shift limiting beliefs and foster emotional release. 

  • Binaural Beats Sound frequencies are designed to promote deep relaxation and facilitate emotional processing. 

  • Visualization/guided imagery: that helps release stuck emotions and create a sense of peace. 

  •  Hypnosis Techniques: that allow you to access deeper states of consciousness for profound transformation.

Benefits of this session:

Emotional Release: Process and release stuck emotions, leading to a lighter and more liberated state. 

Experience a deeper connection to yourself and your emotions. 

Profound Relief you emerge from the journey with a sense of acceptance and relief, ready to embrace life anew. 

Experience how you can navigate grief and loss and return to a state of love


"Before I discovered 9D breathwork with Tabatha, I felt trapped in my anxiety. The sessions helped me connect with my breath and emotions in a way I never thought possible. After just a few sessions, I experienced a profound release of pent-up feelings, leading to a newfound sense of peace and clarity in my life." 

The value of this Bundle is worth well over $1000 and is now available for 

Only $477.00

for a limited time.

The Ultimate Breathwork Transformational Bundle:
Are you ready to experience how breathwork can help in countless ways?
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Looking forward to working with you.

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A breathing session may not be suitable for you if you have the following conditions:
Cardiovascular problems, abnormally high blood pressure, aneurysms, epilepsy and seizures in the past, anyone taking heavy medication, severe psychiatric symptoms especially psychosis or paranoia, bipolar, osteoporosis, recent surgery, glaucoma, pregnancy, any A person with a mental illness who is not in treatment or lacks adequate support. People with asthma should bring their own inhaler and consult with their physician and breathing session instructor before participating.
Anyone experiencing an emotional or spiritual crisis: This list is not exhaustive and we generally advise that if you have a question about a condition you may have that is not listed here, you consult a physician before participating in these breathing sessions.
I warrant and represent that I am in good health physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, and I understand and warrant that if I am not in good health I will not be allowed to perform the activities and sessions. Accordingly, the declaration and certification that I am in good health in all the above-mentioned respects constitutes a material agreement to allow me to participate in the breathing sessions.
I know and acknowledge that the person facilitating is not a doctor or psychiatrist, or a specialist in health care, and that the activities offered are not intended to treat and diagnose specific medical conditions, whether physical, psychological or emotional.
I voluntarily participate in these activities knowing the risks and consequences and agree to assume all consequences, known or not.
I release trainer Tabatha DeBruyn from all responsibilities, costs and damages that may arise from participating in the above-mentioned activity.
I agree to accept financial responsibility for costs related to treatment
By clicking the box and agreeing to the terms and conditions , I acknowledge that I have read the above warning and agree to proceed with full responsibility, and understand that I have waived certain rights by signing and signing this release of liability freely and voluntarily without any external influence.
I agree

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Ultimate Breathwork Transformational Bundle$477

All prices in USD